- What is SQL?
- Different SQL flavors
- Database design concepts
- Referential Integrity
- Normalizing Data
- Horizontal Data vs Vertical Data
- Intro to SQL Server
- Showing SQL Databases in SSMS
- Create Databases using SQL Server
- Create tables (Data types, and constraints)
- DML (Data Manipulation Language)
- Insert values.
- Update values.
- Delete values.
- What is an index (Type of indexes)
- SQL Queries
- Basic Queries
- Queries with conditions
- Queries with aggregated functions to create groups
- Queries from multiple tables (JOINS)
- Inner join
- Left outer join
- Right outer join
- Full outer join
- Sub-Queries
- Queries using Temp Tables
- CTE (Common Type Expressions)
- SQL Views
- Create Views
- Edit Views
- Delete Views
- SQL Stored Procedures
- Create Stored Procedures
- Edit Stored Procedures
- Delete Stored Procedures
- SQL User Defined Functions
- Create Functions
- Edit Functions
- Delete Functions
Every topic will be done with real world use cases, using databases that allow you to see how the real work is in a role related to data management. Knowing SQL you will be able to work as a Business Data Analyst, Data Analyst, SQL Developer, Report Developer, BI Developer, and much more.
Price: $849.00
Offer for Enrollments this Month: $649
Duration: 20 hours
Available Schedules:
- To be determined.